Southend & District Ladies Amateur Dart League

A.G.M. 25th July 2012  held at Westcliff  British Legion

Chairlady opened meeting.

Vice secretary read minutes from last meeting (23rd May 2012).
Proposed by Sandra Matthews.  Seconded by Maggie Frost. Agreed.

Chairlady read letters.

Letter from Angie Hicks saying she cannot form another team, she was hoping to form a team from the Woodcutters, but unfortunately she has been let down.  So Angie and four others have joined the Amblers for next season, as they were short of players.

Letter from  Barbara  Chittenden, of S.C.C. in reply to Mary Tremlett,  saying at last meeting S.C.C. were an unfriendly team and wondering if situation at beginning of season with Linda Murphy had initiated this.  Amanda from Amblers stated that bad feeling stemmed from their new chalkers being slow and holding up games, and comments had been made by SCC team with regard to this.   Chris Stock from SCC stated that one of their team had lost a purse that night and this may have been why team seemed anxious.  Amblers and S.C.C. had an open discussion and Chairlady asked that captains are made aware of new chalkers and checkers to enable more consideration will be given. No other team felt any unfriendliness from S.C.C and the two clubs are happy to play one another next season.

Letter from Karen Sheldon about the statement made by Linda Murphy at last meeting, regarding teams approached her to form a new league.  Karen denied approaching Linda, saying it was the other way round. She also felt Linda was trying to split the league and use friendship to influence other teams against the committee.  In reply Linda said she was not trying to split league, and said she had never bad mouthed anyone. She said teams had gone to her saying they were not happy with the way the league was being run. As per allegations made by Linda Murphy at last meeting, chairperson asked if Daphne Barnes from the Castle (whom Linda named) had approached Linda.  Daphne said she had not. Linda Alrefai, who also plays for the Castle, said some of the team had discussed not being happy with way league was run; when asked to explain she said too many rules, Chairlady reminded meeting that the rules had been significantly reduced and the only rules standing are ones which had been agreed at previous AGMs. 

Chairlady read a section of the letter received from Linda Murphy which had been discussed last meeting, which stated that four teams had approached her to form a new league. She asked meeting to consider if the statement Linda had made in front of league at last meeting regarding Daphne Barnes, Karen Sheldon & Dolly Malone approaching her to start a new league was in fact untrue. Meeting concluded this was the case, following letter received from Karen Sheldon, and denial by Daphne Barnes.  It was also said that Dolly Malone had been asked and who also denied approaching Linda. 

Linda Murphy said that she had resigned last season as things had not been going right for her, she agreed that no one had asked her to resign, but that when she had said at a committee meeting that perhaps she should resign, someone had said that perhaps she should if she felt like that.  Chairlady asked Linda how many times she had talked of resigning, Linda agreed a few.  Sandra Matthews reasoned with Linda that the response she had received had been because of the obvious difficulties Linda was having and said that once again, as they had on many occasions previously, the committee were just trying to support Linda.  Jane Schroder asked Linda why she had emailed her to ask her opinion of the situation and then taken a copy of what Jane considered to be an open and honest response and showed to all team captains who were not on the committee.  Linda denied this.  Jane then listed captains who had been shown Jane’s response email and said she felt Linda had acted despicably with a private email between the two of them.

Chris Stock (from S.C.C.) then asked Linda why she stopped playing for them.  Linda replied she was not happy there.

Chairlady stated this matter was now closed.

Chairlady informed that Maureen Ray had been the sole nomination for vice league secretary but she was not in attendance at AGM therefore could not be voted on. Chairlady asked league meeting if they were happy if elected committee decided upon someone for this position, this was agreed.

Anne Fryer stood down from nomination due to time commitments.
Wendy Jenkins was also not in attendance so her nomination was withdrawn.

Chairlady stated that no further nominations could be made at this late stage, not having been publicised to whole league, therefore the number of committee members may be less this year.

Chairlady welcomed President Mel Nichols, who formally declared the season 2011/12 closed.


President circulated voting forms for the 2012-2013 committee to all teams.

President counted votes and Vice President Kathy McKenna double checked the results.

President Mel Nichols declared the 2012/13 season open and announced the results of the committee election:

League Secretary       Tricia  Smith                (Vice Secretary to be chosen from committee.)

Chairlady                     Kay  Ford                    Vice Chairlady             Maggie  Frost

Treasurer                    Jane  Schroder           Vice Treasurer            Hazel  Boxall

Committee members Sandra Matthews (Wanderers)                      Doreen Adams (WBL)
Teresa Schwendener (Windermere)             Gladys Pope (WBL)
Wendy Brooks (Flying Pockets)                     Chris  Stock (SCC)

President                     Mel  Nichols                 Vice President             Kathy  McKenna


Chairlady asked if all team registrations had been handed in. This was confirmed.

Proposals for New Season

There were 3 letters, two from Angels and the other from the Castle, concerning points for byes.  It was felt that if you had a bye you should be awarded the same 4 points as if you had won.  A vote was taken and the result was 12-0 in favour.  It was confirmed this would be for all byes including if an absent player was drawn against an absent player – when this happens the visiting team are given the game.

The other letter was from Angels about results cards – could they be scanned and emailed in. If you have no internet access you can still post them.  Those who scan them would then bring cards to meetings. A vote was taken and it was 12-0 in favour.

Changes to Cup competitions

Vote on retiring the Hammond Cup and replace it with Grace Ford Cup. The format would be the same (9 single matches), played at the end of the season for teams who have not won a cup. It was a yes vote and it would be nine players not seven as Grace Ford was usually played. 

Retire the Victoria Cook Cup and play the Chris Bailey Cup as the 601 game. Yes vote.

To extend the season, the D&J Cup and the P&E Cup will be moved to Mondays at the end of season.
The Rose Stockwell Cup to be played on Thursdays that follow Bank Holiday Mondays.
Singles, Mixed Pairs and Mr & Mrs all played at one venue on one night.  All voted on and agreed.

Drop the Triples competition, resounding no vote, so triples stay. 

Cup final venues to be decided by committee to ensure venues are utilised in accordance to size of expected support – motion carried.

Mary Tremlett asked if “Any Other Business” - if trivial - could be discussed at meeting or carried over to next meeting. Chairlady stated that it would be difficult to assess what may be trivial and asked meeting to be aware that this could lead to lengthening league meetings. As a compromise it was agreed that if teams had an urgent issue they could pass Chairlady a note and it would then be had Chairlady’s discretion if the matter be raised. Any matters arising in this way will be documented on Agenda as Chairlady AOB.

The Presentation night was agreed to be a success.  Band was enjoyed by most people.

Next meeting Wednesday 5th September 2012, 8pm at WBL ready for start of league on Monday 10th September.

Monies required at next meeting:        £10      per team - registration fee
£2        per individual player – registration fee
£2        per team - League meeting fee.

First Committee meeting Tuesday 7th August, 7.30pm at WBL.

Meeting closed 9.40pm.